Wednesday 21 February 2007

Recipe Links

I love recipes. I'm one of those people who have about 100 cookbooks all doggy-eared on something I must make. The problem being is that I never seem to get back to it and when I do, I think "eww gosh, what was I thinking?"

Lately I've been finding sites online for recipes that I LOVE!! I only print them if I KNOW I'm going to make them and it seems to be a good system. Some of my favourite recipe sites include the good old Women's Weekly Recipe Finder, and Top Secret Recipes (home to Hard Rock Cafe's pig sandwich & other great rip-off recipes).

I use an online supermarket called Food Direct (as they deliver and carry the groceries up the stairs for me) and recently I found a really yummy recipe on there for Thai Banana Salsa. All I had to do was simply press "order ingredients" and it ordered them all for me so I knew that the salsa ingredients were on their way - no backing out now.


Unknown said...

Supermarket shopping is made much more convenient when they deliver!

Elena said...

I like the sound of the online supermarket you use. Now wouldn't it be wonderful if we could do all our ordering by 'recipe'. We could plan a whole week worth of meals that way.